Monday, December 6, 2010

Lots of Self Portrait

Eyes to the soul
This photo seems to by a favorite for a lot of people. I like that my head isn't upright like most pictures tend to be. And I think that a good understanding of color is present in this photo as well with the eyes and flowers. The color match up also creates a sense of unity within the piece and just a beautiful connection between the dead flowers and myself. Eyes are a very important part of most of my art because I feel as though the eyes are the passage way to the soul. You can always tell what someone is thinking and feeling through their eyes. my personal story with this picture is that the flowers were from my boy friend. i don't mean that they were bought. We actually were walking around town and every time he say a pretty flower he grabbed it and gave it to me. by the time we were back home I had a bunch. The flowers were a reminder of what an amazing day that was and to day by day see them withering away was a constant reminder of the changing of times and how easily life goes on by in a blink of an eye. I feel as though this photo displays a good use of the elements and principals of design with the use of color, unity, and rule of thirds.

Sticks And Stones.
I like the extreme asymmetry of this photo with the complete blackness to the right and the light to the left. It reminds me of a stone figure and I like that I didn't hide my flaws I let them become one with the photo. It also goes along with the stone theme of this picture as well. When someone says become hard as stone they mean basically ignore everyone and become emotionally stale and still. This in a lot of cases is when you ignore and tune out the opinions of others. These same opinions are the ones that are the main cause for unstable self confidence problems.

Hide In The Light







1 comment:

  1. Wow Your self portraits are amazing. YOu could do a self portrait concentration. These are really amazing. I think in some ways your Animal testing piece could be part of a self portrait concentration.

